Our Mission

SALEF’s mission is to promote the civic participation and representation of the Salvadoran and other Latino communities in the U.S., promote the economic development and democracy in El Salvador, as well as to advocate for its economic, educational, and political advancement and growth.

SALEF promotes giving back to our communities, thus scholarship recipients are expected to complete community service hours and receipt of the scholarship award is dependent on completion of their pledge.

Throughout the years, we have brought awareness to the Latino community of the importance of becoming naturalized citizens. It is vital to increase the Latino voice in the political and electoral process.

Our History

In 1995, Carlos Vaquerano founded a new organization to address the challenges that the Central American diaspora was facing. With the support of various friends who joined this endeavor, Vaquerano established La Organización Salvadoreña Americana (the Salvadoran American Organization), or OSA. In 1998, OSA was renamed the Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund (SALEF). 

Our goal was to focus on Salvadorans and Salvadoran Americans, particularly those who needed immigration services, English classes, or social services. We aimed to engage the next generation of community members who could help address new issues faced by immigrant communities, such as education, public policy, voting, and political participation and representation, building on the foundation laid by existing organizations.

Since its inception, SALEF has concentrated on two main issues: education and political empowerment. Reflecting these priorities, we have awarded over 1500 scholarships to underserved Salvadoran and other Latino students, providing support and motivation for our youth and future generations to pursue educational opportunities. Additionally, we have advocated for the political representation of Salvadorans in leadership positions on local and state commissions and boards. Despite our progress, political empowerment remains a crucial goal for our community. SALEF has responded by promoting significant voter education and non-partisan registration campaigns.

Learn More About Our Founder

“Carlos Vaquerano.” PBS LearningMedia, Latino Americans, 24 Feb. 2021, ca.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/2bd00de4-8cdc-42ac-b190-bb8053d6b8f9/carlos-vaquerano/.

SALEF Through The Years

  • 2014 SALEF Banquet
  • 2013 Monsenor Romero
  • 2013 Banquet
  • 2010 Banquet
  • 2009 Dinner
  • 2008 Banquet